Syndicat Mixte des Traversées du Delta du Rhône

Timetables and prices

Barcarin ferry - Prices

Rates per vehicle and per passage

  • Pedestrians, cyclists, Gratuit

    riders and horses and two-wheelers <125cm3

  • Motorcycles > 125cm3 3 €

    Two-wheelers > 125cm3

  • Car and LV (light vehicles) 6 €

    minivan, pickup truck, quad...

  • HGVs usually serving the area 7 €

    and paying by deferred payment

  • Any vehicle with a size greater than a VL 10 €

    Motorhome, caravan, bus, coach, van, pick-up truck...

Sauvage's Ferry


Sauvage Ferry operating hours:

  • from October to March toutes les 30 min.

    from 6:30 a.m. to noon
    and 1:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

  • from April to September toutes les 30 min.

    from 6:00 a.m. to noon
    and 1:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

If necessary, during peak periods, doubling is carried out.

Barcarin Ferry - Subscriptions

Subscription cards are issued for the calendar year from January 1 to December 31. There are three of them:

Issued to owners of vehicles whose load does not exceed 10,000 kg and who have a residence in the territory:

  • of the municipality of Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône
  • of the city of Arles, only in:
    • the part between Sambuc (included) and Salin (included)
    • the part between Mas Thibert (included) to the territory of the commune of Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône

Annual subscriptions at €10 (covering administration fees), valid for the calendar year from January 1 to December 31, are issued:

  • to people with 1st and 2nd degree family connections (ascendants, descendants, brothers or sisters, grandparents and grandchildren) at Salin de Giraud and Sambuc and whose shortest way to visit them is via the Bac de Barcarin;
  • to persons having their place of work in the territory defined in Article III for the duration of their contract or for the calendar year (contract longer than one year), whose shortest way to get from their main or temporary residence to their place of work is via the Barcarin ferry;
  • to people who can prove they have a first-degree relative (ascendants, descendants, brothers, sisters) buried in Salin de Giraud.
  • to hoteliers and lodges listed in the Salin de Giraud territory at the rate of one card per room. This measure is extended to campsites up to a limit of 10 subscriptions. Subscriptions are placed under the responsibility of their holder.
  • to licensed people belonging to an association of the contributing community, who are required to borrow the ferry regularly upon presentation of proof.

Issued to people frequently exercising an economic activity in the Salin de Giraud area

The subscription title is an adhesive sticker dated the year with a non-reproducible watermark which must be displayed on the windshield. It is transmitted when renewing the subscription. Any falsification results in the cancellation of the subscription but also the application of the sanctions provided for in article 161 of the Penal Code. Only the presentation of the current year’s badge certifies the validity of the subscription.

Change or purchase of a vehicle, loss or theft of badges for new residents arriving in the subscription area:

You must provide:

  • a photocopy of the car registration document
  • proof of address
  • family or professional proof(s) in the case of a €10 subscription
  • a stamped envelope to your home address to send the stickers to affix to your windshield
  • the numbers on the back of the sticker in the case of renewal

By post to:

5, Boulevard Huard
13200 ARLES

Or to be placed in the mailboxes in the entrance hall of the ‘Maison des Passeurs’, and on each ferry

For any information:

Throughout the year, the Salin-de-Giraud office is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Barcarin ferry timetable

January, February, March, April, May, October, November and December

Every day - Monday to Sunday

Rive droite Rive Gauche Rive droite Rive Gauche
Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis
4h20 503016h 05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*
5h 2000 3017h 05* 20 35 5000 15* 30 40*
6h 20 35* 5000 30 40*18h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
7h 05* 20 5000 10* 30 40*19h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
8h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4020h 20 5000 30
9h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4021h 20 5000 30
10h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4022h 20 5000 30
11h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4023h 20 4000 30
12h 05* 20 3500 10* 30 40PAUSE
13h05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*00h 20 5015 30
14h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 401h 20 5000 30
15h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 402h00

June, July, August and September

Weekdays: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)

Rive droite Rive Gauche Rive droite Rive Gauche
Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis
4h20 503016h 05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*
5h 2000 3017h 05* 20 35 5000 15* 30 40*
6h 20 35* 5000 30 40*18h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
7h 05* 20 5000 10* 30 40*19h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
8h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4020h 20 5000 30
9h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4021h 20 5000 30
10h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4022h 20 5000 30
11h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4023h 20 4000 30
12h 05* 20 3500 10* 30 40PAUSE
13h05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*00h 20 5015 30
14h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 401h 20 5000 30
15h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 402h00

Saturday, Sunday and public holidays

Rive droite Rive Gauche Rive droite Rive Gauche
Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis
4h20 503016h 05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*
5h 2000 3017h 05* 20 35 5000 15* 30 40*
6h 20 35* 5000 30 40*18h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
7h 05* 20 5000 10* 30 40*19h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 40
8h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4020h 20 5000 30
9h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4021h 20 5000 30
10h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4022h 20 5000 30
11h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 4023h 20 4000 30
12h 05* 20 3500 10* 30 40PAUSE
13h05 20 35* 5000 10 30 40*00h 20 5015 30
14h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 401h 20 5000 30
15h 05 20 35 5000 10 30 402h00
  • These times correspond to the departure time and not the boarding start time
  • Compliance with these schedules is conditioned by weather conditions (wind, visibility) and by river-commercial traffic.
  • In the event of heavy traffic, timetables may be modified in order to favor the flow of traffic
How to read the timetables? Example
Rive droite Rive Gauche
Salin-de-Giraud Port Saint Louis
4h20 5030
5h 2000 30

On the right bank side at Salin de Giraud, (therefore towards Port-Saint Louis), there will be ferry departures:

  • at 4:20 a.m.
  • at 4:50 a.m.
  • at 5:20 a.m.

On the left bank side in Port-Saint Louis, (therefore in the direction of Salin de Giraud), there will be ferry departures:

  • at 4:30 a.m.
  • at 5:00 a.m.
  • at 5:30 a.m.

État du trafic

Bac de Barcarin


Statistical estimation

Bac du Sauvage


Statistical estimation


Pas ou peu d'attente


Sûrement un peu d'attente​

Très chargé

Attente supérieure ou égale à 30 minutes


Trafic à l'arrêt

Ces informations sont représentatives du trafic au moment où elles sont mises à jour. Le SMTDR ne pourra être tenu responsable de l’évolution parfois rapide de l’affluence ou de la météo.

Traffic conditions

Barcarin ferry


Statistical estimation

Sauvage's Ferry


Statistical estimation


Little or no waiting


Probably a bit of a wait


Waiting greater than or equal to 30 minutes


Traffic stopped

This information is representative of traffic at the time it is updated. The SMTDR cannot be held responsible for the sometimes rapid change in attendance or the weather.